Teague FFA
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General Rules for Livestock

These rules apply to ALL animals entered in the show unless otherwise noted.

Blow & Go Show, no grooming materials of any kind is allowed. Grooming or fitting with foreign
material that includes (but not limited to) painting, powdering, oiling, artificial coloring, or adhesives
is prohibited.

*New (2023) Once you designate an animal at check in that is the only animal you can show in

*New(2023) All animals could be called back for a re-weigh at the discretion of the Superintendent
until the scales CLOSE.

*New(2023) All “In County” animals are to be declared at validation.

*New(2023) No longer a rule that Soap and Water will be the only grooming aids used on swine once
they arrive at the show grounds.

*New(2023) The breeding rabbit show will be replaced by a Single Fryer Rabbit Show

*New (2023) There will be licensed vet on call for precautionary measures or in the case of an animal

1. Any student that is a permanent resident of Freestone County OR attends a Freestone County School
AND is a member of Freestone County 4-H or FFA Chapter is eligible to show in the Freestone County
Show provided they have NOT SHOWN IN ANOTHER COUNTY SHOW.

4-H and FFA Eligibility:

• Meeting Requirement:
4-H Member: 4-H enrollment form on file in the Freestone County Extension Office by
March 1 of the current fair year.

• to be eligible for the Freestone County Fair, 4-H & Jr. FFA members must attend FOUR
of their 4-H club's/FFA Chapter's scheduled monthly meetings within the current stock
show calendar year (Sept 2022-May 2023) and sign the OFFICIAL attendance sheet.
Freestone County Fair Association Updated February 2023

• 4-H members can substitute a "make-up" 4-H Club meeting for their regular club
meeting AFTER approval is given by their regular club's manager AND a Freestone
County Extension Agent.

• All FFA and 4-H Exhibitors must complete quality counts training.

2. Appropriate entry fees will be required for each division.

3. All livestock entries are due by April 15th. No LATE entries accepted. There will be no refunds for any
entry turned into the County Extension Agent or FFA Advisor.

4. All livestock must be owned by the exhibitor. Papers for registered breeding animals (if required)
must also be in the exhibitor's name by the entry deadline date. All livestock projects must be in the
possession of the 4-H and FFA members by entry deadline date. Exhibitors must have personally fed and
cared for animals under the supervision of their County Extension Agent or FFA Advisor for a period of
time stated under the ownership requirements in each division.

5. All exhibitors must be present to show (including sale order) and sell their animal. Any exception must
have advanced notice approval by the Livestock Committee.

6. 4-H and FFA members may enter more than one livestock division BUT may not enter two animals or
pens in the same market division. There is no limit in the number of breeding animals that an individual
can enter. Members may sell only one (1) animal.

7. Ribbons and prize money will be awarded through fifth place in each livestock division.

8. First and second place winners of each division will compete for Grand and Reserve Champion of the
Show. An award and rosette will be given to the Grand and Reserve Champion of both breeding and
market classes of each division. All champion and showmanship belt buckles will be presented to the
exhibitor immediately following each show.

9. Showmanship will be judged after the selection of the sale order of each division. Showmanship
awards will be given to first place winners in a junior category 13 years of age and under, and a senior
category 14 years of age and older. All ages will be as of Monday of Fair week. These categories will be
held in the market beef, swine, sheep, goat and rabbit divisions, and in the breeding beef, swine, sheep,
goat, rabbit divisions.

10. The decision of the judges will be final. Judges will be provided for the following categories: All
cattle, swine, sheep, goats, poultry, rabbits, project shows and showmanship.

11. Breeding and market animals will be placed in classes by breed and/or weights, by the
superintendents of each division where they will be an asset to the Show. Classes may be added or
deleted from the Show by superintendent, according to NEED.

12. All livestock will be in place by time designated by rules under appropriate division. All market
animals will be weighed in under the supervision of the superintendent of their respective divisions.
Executive Livestock Committee will set dates and times of weigh in of livestock. No animal is to be
placed back on a trailer once they’ve been checked in to their respective show or the animal will be

13. No diseased or unhealthy animals will be allowed into the Livestock Show area or grounds.

14. Stalls will be assigned by the superintendent of each division. Exhibitors will be responsible for
getting animals to assigned stalls after check in. Notify the superintendent of the respective species
before removing the animal from the fairgrounds.

15. Market animal exhibitors will be expected to turn in a form at the conclusion of weigh in time to
indicate disposition of animal if it does not make the sale. Any animal that does not make sale and ARE
NOT being sold to the floor, must be loaded and taken from fairgrounds by 6pm the day of respective
show, with the exception of market steers. *Alternates will not go home until after the sale. Market
animals ineligible to show in market shows are not eligible to be sold on the floor and must be removed
from the grounds immediately. (Not making weight, disposition, etc.)

16. The use of stimulants or depressants is prohibited. Use of cattle pumps is prohibited. Drench guns
will be allowed. Any surgical procedure, foreign substance or drug that could affect an animals
performance or alter its natural conformation or appearance is prohibited. All animals entered may be
subject to test by a veterinarian. Parties filing for protest must pay for cost of the test. The date of
withdrawal is to be the date of the show. Any "INHUMANE or ABUSIVE" treatment may result in
disqualification at the discretion of the show management and/or the judge.

17. All exhibitors that sell an animal in the Freestone County Junior Market Sale must present a "thank
you" letter in an addressed, stamped envelope for each buyer of their animal to the respective 4-H Club
Manager or County Extension Agent of FFA Advisor before they will receive their sale check from the
Freestone County Fair.

18. No "FOR SALE" signs may be posted on any exhibit.

19. No livestock will be allowed in or around camp site areas.

20. It is the superintendent's responsibility to control any situation until a decision can be made by the
Livestock Committee, if that situation affects the animal’s eligibility to show.

21. All market and breeding animals must be tagged with a Freestone County Fair Association tamper
proof tag and a Freestone County Fair Association tamper proof tag must remain with that animal until
check in at the show. If the original tag is lost, advisors (County Extension Agent or FFA Advisor) must be
notified immediately. All FCFA validation tags must be kept in the animal’s ear until the animal is
delivered to the buyer. All validation forms will be completed and signed by exhibitors and parents. Any
major show steer that wishes to validate for Freestone County Fair must attend County validation. The
major show validation tag number will be recorded. If the steer does not make the sale at a major, that animal must be tagged with a Freestone County Fair Association tamper proof tag by the cattle superintendent on or before the April validation for sheep, goats & hogs. The major show tag MUST be left in the ear until removed by the cattle superintendent.

22. Exhibitor back numbers provided for each show will only include the number. Names and FFA or 4-H
affiliation cannot and will not be displayed on the number side of the exhibitor back number.

23. If an emergency arises with your animal at the county fair on the county fairgrounds and the animal
needs vet care or medications, you MUST notify the superintendent prior to any vet care or medications
have been given.

24. Blow & Go Show, no grooming materials of any kind is allowed. Grooming or fitting with foreign
material that includes (but not limited to) painting, powdering, oiling, artificial coloring, or adhesives is

25. All Animals must be clean, dry and clipped prior to being weighed.

26. No animal is to be placed back on a trailer once they’ve been checked in to their respective show or
the animal will be disqualified.

27. All FCFA validation tags must be kept in the animal’s ear until the animal is delivered to the buyer.


28. Any major show steer that wishes to validate for Freestone County Fair must attend County
validation. The major show validation tag number will be recorded. If the steer does not make the sale
at a major, that animal must be tagged with a Freestone County Fair Association tamper proof tag by the
cattle superintendent on or before the April validation for sheep, goats & hogs. The major show tag
MUST be left in the ear until removed by the cattle superintendent.


 29. A 2lb grace on minimum weights for market goats (minimum 55) and market lambs (minimum 70).


30. There will be licensed vet on call for precautionary measures or in the case of an animal death.


31. All animals could be called back for a re-weigh at the discretion of the Superintendent until the
scales CLOSE.


32. Once you designate an animal at check in that is the only animal you can show in showmanship.


33. All “In County” animals are to be declared at validation



 Website designed by: Wieghat Graphics